Operating policy and Code of Conduct

Telatek Service Oy (Service) is a company specializing in mechanical maintenance, whose main customers are power plant, mining, base metal, oil refining, forestry and marine industries.

The maintenance solutions offered by the company are in many cases based on our own product development. Service is a pioneer in thermal spraying, on-site machining and special welding in Finland. The company has an accredited NDT testing laboratory.

The solutions and products we deliver meet the needs of our customers and they fulfil quality, environmental and safety requirements. Our maintenance solutions extend the life cycle of our customers’ equipment, they save energy and thus help our customers reduce their environmental footprint. We work closely with our customers, suppliers and international classification societies.

Corporate management is responsible for ensuring that safe operations, environmental protection and quality are created in all stages of management, design and implementation, and that everyone is aware of the goals, policies and customer requirements. LEAN thinking is the foundation of the management.

The management is committed to provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, as well as to reduce occupational health and safety risks and to eliminate hazards. Further the management is committed to fulfil applicable legal and other requirements as well as to improve continuously quality, environmental and occupational health/safety systems.

The management is committed to consultation and participation of workers. The principle is that everyone is responsible for their own work, contributes to the development of the operations, and actively strives to remedy shortcomings in our operations.

Our goals are high customer satisfaction, on-time delivery, profitability of operations, good work ability and health of our staff, zero accidents, active safety detection and incident reporting, decrease of energy consumption and increase material recovery.

Our operating system is certified according to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. Welding and steel construction have been awarded ISO 3834-2 and SFS-EN 1090-1:2009 certificates. NDT inspection activities are accredited by FINAS in accordance with SFS-EN ISO / IEC 17025:2017.

Kari Koivula
Telatek Service Oy